Office of the 总统

领导 & Organizational Chart

总统 Dr. Robbyn R. 瓦克
*Provost/Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs Dr. 修道院辛克
*Vice 总统 for Advancement and 校友 Engagement Nic卡托纳
*Vice 总统 for Division of Student Affairs Dr. Katrina Rodriguez
*Vice 总统 for Finance and 政府 拉里•李
*Vice 总统 for Human Resources and Workplace Experience 蕾妮·希勒
*Vice 总统 for Strategic Enrollment Management Dr. 杰森·伍兹
*Vice 总统 for 技术 Strategy & 首席 信息 官 菲尔Thorson
*Vice 总统 for University Affairs and Advisor to the 总统 Judith Siminoe
*Vice 总统 for Equity and Inclusion & Title IX Coordinator Chocoletta Simpson
*院长, Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) 珍妮纽约
*主任 威尼斯人官网 冬青的妇女不同
*主任 University Relations/Legislative Relations 伯尼Omann

* 总统's Cabinet members are indicated by an asterisk.


领导 Teams


Academic Affairs

Provost/Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs Dr. 修道院辛克
Dean of Herberger Business School Dr. Katherina Pattit
Dean of College of Education and 学习设计 Dr. King Banaian (Interim)
Dean of College of Health and Wellness Professions Dr. Roxanne Willson (Interim)
Dean of College of Liberal Arts; School of the Arts Dr. Raymond Philippot (Interim)
Dean of College of Science & 工程; School of Computing, 工程 & 环境 Dr. 阿德尔·阿里
Dean of School of Graduate Studies and Associate Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs  Dr. 克劳迪娅Tomany
Dean of University 图书馆 朗达豪氏威马
Dean of University College and Associate Vice 总统 for Student Success Dr. Feng-Ling Johnson
Director of Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Dr. Janet Tilstra (Interim)
Director of Online and Distance Learning Davidson Blanchard
Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Academic Quality Dr. 米歇尔·别说话!
Associate Vice 总统 for International Studies 沙赫扎德艾哈迈德
Executive Director of Academic Resources 布兰登·约翰逊


Advancement and 校友 Engagement

Vice 总统 for Advancement and 校友 Engagement Nic卡托纳
Associate Vice 总统 for Philanthropy Marc Vaillancourt
Senior Director for Stewardship & Advancement Operations 克里斯汀条板
Director of Finance Connie Robinson
Director of 校友 Engagement 特洛伊内尔尼斯


Division of Student Affairs

Vice 总统 for Student Affairs Dr. Katrina Rodriguez
Dean of Students
Director of American Indian Center 莱西Lokken
Executive Director of Atwood and Campus Involvement 汤米Balicky
Executive Director of Career Center Michelle Schmitz
Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Dr. Jennifer Rocheleau Dorholt
Director of LGBT Resource Center 查理·柯蒂斯
Medical Director of Medical Clinic Dr. 布伦特尼尔森
Director of Multicultural Student Services 沙赫扎德艾哈迈德
Director of Residential Life Patrick "PC" Call
Director of 退伍军人 Resource Center
Director of Women's Center Dr. 希瑟·布朗


Finance and 政府

Vice 总统 for Finance and 政府 拉里•李
Assistant Vice 总统 for Facilities Management 马克荷得拉得
Associate Vice 总统 of Finance & 政府 丹Golombiecki
Director of Business Services 凯尔•韦尔奇
Director of Campus Dining Services 苔丝沃克
Husky Bookstore Manager 朱莉·埃克伦


Planning and Engagement

Vice 总统 for Planning and Engagement
Director of Analytics and Institutional Research
Office of Assessment and 认证 冬青埃弗斯


Strategic Enrollment Management: 

Vice 总统 for Strategic Enrollment Management Dr. 杰森·伍兹
Associate Vice 总统 for Strategic Communication
Dean of University College and Associate Vice 总统 for Student Success Dr. Feng-Ling Johnson
Director of Concurrent Enrollment 玛丽亚莱特
Director of Financial Aid Elizabeth Brooks
Director of TRIO | Student Support Services Kenard布克
Executive Director of 本科 招生 玛丽亚莱特
Registrar and Student Records 蒂姆Meendering
Analytics and Institutional Research 安东尼Kunkel
Solutions Specialist / Relationship Manager 马克Monn


University Affairs

Vice 总统 for University Affairs and Advisor to the 总统 Judith Siminoe
Director of Public Safety David Schnettler
Director of Safety, Emergency and Risk Management 凯文·哈蒙德


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